
Canada Land Inventory (CLI)

Canada land Inventory (CLI)

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The Canada Land Use Monitoring Program (CLUMP)

Measuring land use change to inform land resource planning, management and policy development

By Jean Thie. Former Director and Director General of the Lands Directorate, Environment Canada responsible for the Canada land Inventory (CLI), the Canada land Use Monitoring Program (CLUMP) and the Canada Geographic Information System-CGIS.


The Canada land Use Monitoring Program was started in 1978 to systematically monitor Land use change in Canada following the completion of the the Canada Land Inventory (CLI). The CLI, in addition to land capability for agriculture, forestry, wildlife (waterfowl and ungulates) and recreation, mapped 'present' land use between 1966 and 1976. The CLUMP program, part of the Lands Directorate of Environment Canada, continued this mapping on a 5 year cycle until 1988.

CLUMP made extensive use of the Canada Geographic Informations System (CGIS) for its analysis of land use change. Some of the Digital files (original scale 1: 50'000) are still accessible through the Geogratis FTP site of Natural Resources Canada:


CLUMP Monitoring Components


The monitoring components of CLUMP are visualized in Figure 1 below:

  1. Monitoring od Major Urban-Centered Regions: focus on the rural-urban fringe of urban centres with population over 25'000
  2. Monitoring of Rural Areas: focus on traditional agricultural land and woodlands, industrial and recreational activities and settlements in Rural Canada
  3. Monitoring of Prime Resource lands: Focus on high capability and productive lands for agriculture, forestry, widlife, recreation. mineral development and energy activities
  4. Monitoring of Wildlands: Focus on the vast amount of land outside the continouly setteld regions of Canada







CLI Brochure

Area covered by the Present Land Use of the CLI


1980 Federal Policy on Land Use


1985 CLUMP Factsheet of Urbanization of Rural Land

Impact of 1985 CLUMP Fact sheet on Globe and Mail Editorial